Meet the S&L team

Kim Vercruysse

She could sell cars to eco-warriors, making any company feel like the luckiest in the world to have her exceptional marketing skills on board. Fortunately for us, Kim works at S&L!
Kim Vercruysse

Core competences:

Strategic fundraising trajectory
Nifty communication plans
Clear target audience choices

Core competences:

Strategic fundraising trajectory
Nifty communication plans
Clear target audience choices

The blaze of indignation

After a few years of working together, we’re certain that if everyone had as much energy and enthusiasm as Kim, the world would spin at double speed. And while fast doesn’t necessarily equal smart, Kim sure is both. She’s got brains, common sense and asks all the right questions. She strives to understand, because the better she grasps her clients’ needs, the better she can help. Which is exactly what she loves to do: truly help. The way she did at Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, Fairfin, and Ohne, for example. She fine-tuned their marketing and communication, excelled in fundraising, and mobilised their teams.

No hollow clichés, no vague metrics

Marketing? Communication strategies? Fundraising plans? Kim demands hard and clear-cut results, because when it comes to the world, there’s still plenty of work to be done. Talking to her about injustice or exclusion means igniting a flame of indignation. Thankfully, Kim possesses the wisdom to propel that fire forward, towards a better and fairer future. A wave of stubborn confidence and expertise for our clients to surf along on.



Each member of our team has their own expertise. We often work in pairs to bring together complementary knowledge and experience for your needs. Here you can find the core expertise of this colleague.


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